Make sure that your web site loads fast, in the space of time a user has to wait for your website to load they will have lost interest and be looking elsewhere.  Make sure that your site can be viewed on computers of all kinds of resolution, the best method being to ensure that you website is designed in terms of percentage not pixels. Further to this make sure your site is browser compatible; ensuring that it looks good on different browsers. Do not overcrowd your website with information; visitors will be intimidated when swamped with lots of data. Present the information in a readable format and font choosing a professional color scheme that suits the business of the website. When choosing a font try to use a common one such as Arial or Verdana, if you use one that is not available on the visitor’s computer then the text will turn to your computers default font. Along with unprofessional font’s try to avoid cluttering your site with images and impractical design, keep your site neat and simple.

By Laura Davis